Our lovely honey suppliers at BL Beekeeping have retired and they are thoroughly enjoying it! They recommended another local honey producer- Otago Gold Honey.
Carlee and Tim are the third generation at the helm and last year their white clover honey won Gold at the ApiNZ Honey Awards. Their manuka won silver and their liquid clover honey won bronze at the same awards.
The range of honey available from Locavore Boxes has expanded with these new options available - we have the white clover creamed honey, liquid clover, manuka, bush flower honey and kamahi honey. The Manuka will be available in 250gm pots, the others will all come in 500gms. The kamahi is a deliciously aromatic honey, a bit lighter than bush flower with almost spicy overtones.
You can see Otago Gold Honey's full range on their website here: https://www.otagogoldhoney.co.nz/
A lot of thought and research has gone into packaging for the most Earth -friendly option. Carlee and Tim found that 'compostable' cardboard packing is often not actually compostable; Glass is good if returned and re-used but sometimes this is impracticable. So they have opted for recyclable plastic jars, and we of course are happy to re-use those for a range of purposes!