Mung beans are usually sprouted, right? But they make for a very useful ingredient in this salad - also in Dahls and curries! So this is a Carrot and mung bean salad. Also features feta although you could omit this to make it vegan and Dairy free. Is also GF
This salad features caramelised cubes of kumara with chickpeas... There's only so far you can go with alliteration. The Kumara and Chickpea salad has cumin, red onion and garlic, flatleaf parsley, lemon, coriander and red pepper flakes as well as toasted sesame seeds. Is full of flavour, quick to prepare. We like that. Vegan , DF and GF
This recipe features pearl barley but you could equally use brown rice to give a similar texture and nuttiness without the Gluten... This one has a longish list of ingredients, but they're easy to prep and the salad itself is really quick to pull together. Loads of contrasting flavours (dried apricots, dates, sun-dried tomato, red onion, fresh herbs) and textures. Moroccan spiced pearl barley salad - vegan and DF (GF if you sub brown rice for the barley)
These wee cuties are vegetarian and that's all - These corn cakes are light and tasty. They have tarragon and celery seeds, fennel seeds and cumin to give them quite a different flavour profile that teams well with the whole kernel corn. There's also feta to give a tangy finish... Vegetarian
This Turmeric and Kale Laksa can be Vegan or not - mushroom or fish? Your call. It's a substantial soup with mild but delicious flavours - fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, Tamari, honey, rice noodles, kale, and the heat is entirely up to you: a pinch of chilli flakes or more... Can be vegan, DF and GF
This Sicilian Meatloaf is great fun to make! you make the meaty layer and pat it out to a rectangle, then make a filling with chard and grated cheese and onion, some garlic and spread that over the meat layer, then roll it up... while it's baking in the oven you make a quick tomato-y sauce to go with. Is super tasty... also good the next day if there's any left. This one can be GF...