Introducing Cocktail Kiwifruit - aka Kiwiberry

Introducing Cocktail Kiwifruit - aka Kiwiberry

By Locavore NZ Admin

Introducing Cocktail Kiwifruit - aka Kiwiberry

We have this wee treasure growing in the garden just outside the kitchen window, facing north. We have a male and a female plant, with four fruiting leaders on the female vine. The species is apparently a pest plant in Northern America and Canada, so i figure it should do okay at our place!

The fruit is small (about the size of your thumbnail), smooth skinned, and intensely flavoured - I read a description once that said ”as if these kiwifruit were designed by Haribo (German gummibear makers)”.

Kiwiberry is just one of the many weird and wonderful fruits we’re growing at our place. They’ll be included in boxes sometimes if you’re keen to try something new.


  • I have been looking for kiwiberry vines or even just seeds( Actinidia arguta), but it is difficult to find any available online for delivery, Is it at all possible that someone may have plants to purchase , let me know.
    If live plants are to difficult to post, you can consider a handful of fresh cuttings, and I can try propagate them myself. Thanks

    Andrew on

  • Hi Joel,I’m sorry I no longer have those kiwi berry vines.So I can’t help you. If you check back through the comments there may be some useful leads

    locavore boxes on

  • I have a large kiwi fruit vine but my dog many years ago destroyed either the male or female vine, so it won’t fruit ( icant tell what vine I have). Can you possible give me a cutting of each so to start the fruiting again pretty please, I can send to you a photo of my vine!

    Joel on

  • Where in New Zealand can I buy a Male and female kiwiberry plants.

    It is very helpful reading the comments. Cheers linda 5.2.23

    Linda Hill on

  • A couple of years ago I had two kiwiberry vines producing a lot of berries on both. They were grown from seed sourced from a punnet at local supermarket. Only had two plants yet they both fruited. Information I sourced was that planting two vines close together made them both fertile due to exchange of pheromones. The vines readily graft to kiwifruit vines and vice versa.

    Dennis on

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