I visited family recently and read through a book called Korean Vegan, there is a copy of this in the Dunedin Library system (It's been out until this week, so i may race you for it...) and it seems very good.There are a couple of recipes from the book this week and this is one of them: braised tofu (Dooboo Jorim) is pretty quick and very simple. Also tasty! And vegan, dairy and gluten free...
The start of this recipe is like the start of many recipes: soften onion, garlic, celery and carrot and then...After that there are red lentils and stock, and then later on a handful of shredded kale, topped with yoghurt (coconut or dairy) and served with flatbreads. You need to stir the lentils occasionally so they don't grab on the bottom of the pot, but otherwise this is a pretty low maintenance dinner! The Lentil and Kale soup is vegan, dairy and gluten free.
The mung dhal pancakes are delicious! I made a scratch version just using the veg i had in the fridge and that was tasty, so then i made it again properly with the correct ingredients (these include kimchi, mung bean sprouts and mushroom) and it worked very well, looked great but i forgot to take photographs, so then i had to make it again!! Just as well it's so yum... great for lunches the next day also. The Bindaetteok can be vegan (I'll pop the egg replacer in the recipe notes) and they're dairy and gluten free.
These potato cakes - latke - have grated broccoli in them as well as potato, making them a bit different. The creamy mayo style accompaniment is parsnip based! The flavour combo of potato/broccoli latke and parsnip/cumin skordalia is pretty good! Latke with skordalia is vegetarian, dairy and gluten free.
This is a three step process, but they stack neatly one after the other so it's okay... to make the chicken and leek comfort pie first you simmer the chicken. Then in a separate pot you simmer kumara for the mash topping, and while that's cooking you saute the leeks with some red onion, garlic, and mushrooms. Thicken that up, add the shredded chicken to the leeks then pile it into a baking dish, top with the mash (A bit of ginger, some grainy mustard in there) and crisp it up in the oven for a bit. Done. Remarkably, the Chicken and Leek comfort pie manages to be dairy and gluten free!
The pork noodle soup also calls for Mung bean sprouts and uses rice noodles. And lime juice. It has big flavour, but is not heavy at all - a delicious broth with noodles and shreds of pork, sprouts and spring onions. The soup is both dairy and gluten free.