Recipes for warmer weather... Roll on November!

Recipes for warmer weather... Roll on November!

By Rose Newburn

Recipes for warmer weather... Roll on November!

So why would chilli be a meal for warmer weather? That is a good question to be honest, but this is a very tasty thing. Eggplant, precooked black beans, and as much chilli as you want to add. It's really quick as well as tasty.

This is a fresh tasting twist on Tabouleh, made with quinoa, tomato and broccoli. The first fresh locally grown tomatoes have appeared so they go straight on the plate...

Dirty rice is a cajun dish so you can expect warm spices, rice and corn. Traditionally Dirty Rice features finely chopped chicken livers, but in this version we've substituted with Adzuki beans...

These Baked Chicken thighs are flavoured with garlic and an Italian herb mix. they're very simple and very good! While they're cooking you can put together a salad, the quinoa tabouleh or just read a book for a while...

This one is a bit special, a Roasted pork fillet with roasty potatoes.  The pork is marinaded in a mix of soy, balsamic, garlic and smoked paprika and the potatoes are dusted with herbs - both roast up together so it's quick and easy.


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