I went to make the bread twists to go with the avocado tahini dip - for photos - and found that the recipe had fallen out of my head.
We used to make these often for youth group suppers, in all sorts of permutations! The basic recipe works really well for pizza bases, weird-shaped flatbreads (drape them on the oven rack and see what happens ... is not actually FLAT bread at all), calzone and these twisty chaps with sumac and sesame.
So here's the basic recipe :
- 400ml warm water
- 3 dessertspoons of dried yeast
- 3 dessertspoons of sugar or 2 tsp honey
- mix these together and leave to froth.
Then mix
- 600gm all purpose flour
- 3 tsp salt
- 3 Tbsp olive oil
When the yeast is frothed a bit, add to the dry ingredients, and mix as far as you can - there will be flakes of dough and extra flour in the bowl. Tip it all onto a floured bench and knead until the dough is smooth and elastic.
Drizzle some oil into the mixing bowl and put the ball of dough back into the bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave it to puff up - about 30 to 40 minutes.
When you are ready to bake, heat the oven to about 200deg C.
Flour the bench and splok the dough out, knocking it down and out a bit. Cut into 4 chunks, and work with one at a time.
For the twists, roll out a rough oblong about 3 mm thick.
Lift the dough and dust the bench with sesame and sumac, then put the dough back and roll it gently to press the flavours into the bread. Sprinkle more sumac and sesame on top, then fold in half lengthways. Give it a gentle roll to stick the sandwich together, then cut into narrow bars, about 2cm wide. These go from fold to open edge, not along the whole thing...
Put baking paper on an oven tray, pick up each strip and twist it a couple of times before you lay it on the oven tray... simple. Repeat. Many times.
For crazy flatbreads, cut the dough into about 10 chunks, and roll each one out into a rough oval. Place each one on the oven rack in your pre-heated oven and let the fun begin... (oiling the oven rack before you begin can be a smart move...)