Food from Louisiana, western India, Malaysia, New Zild, and Sweden ... first week in October!

Food from Louisiana, western India, Malaysia, New Zild, and Sweden ... first week in October!

By Rose Newburn

Food from Louisiana, western India, Malaysia, New Zild, and Sweden ... first week in October!

the Dirty Rice comes from Louisiana - there are adzuki beans, red and basmati rice, garlic and chilli, loads of spices, corn and tomato... Is quick, easy and super tasty!

Dry pea and potato curry is one of my favourites - as you can see you can add in cauliflower florets if you have some. Start by popping brown mustard seeds, add a pile of aromatics (ginger, garlic, onion) then fistfuls of veg... simmer til the potato is tender, add peas, continue to cook gently until the liquid is all absorbed, then stir through some mint. Done. 

Turmeric and Kale laksa comes in either mushroom or fish - neatly providing two options at once! Fresh ginger, turmeric and again, loads of veg... coconut milk and rice noodles. Simple to make, light and silky!

The other vegetarian recipe is a change up version of Hasselbak potatoes - potatoes sliced thinly not quite all the way through, roasted so the outside ridges are crispy and the centres are tender and creamy. This version has a rocket and pistachio pesto to go with... photo to come!

Slow-baked hogget or lamb chops, cooked on a bed of leeks, garlic and rosemary. That sounds good already, but then add some cannellini beans and cook some more - covered, and then not covered: the beans go crispy on the outside, and creamy on the inside... is very good!



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