More tasty things for you to try - recipes for the week starting 20th February

More tasty things for you to try - recipes for the week starting 20th February

By Rose Newburn

More tasty things for you to try - recipes for the week starting 20th February

Lets start the way we mean to continue - tasty, vegetarian and gluten free! This simple and very tasty bake has Tomato, eggplant and buckwheat. Toasting the buckwheat groats before you cook them gives them a nuttier flavour. Is very yum.

This one is tricky to say, and requires a bit of time but not a lot of complicated work - Gozleme. This is a stuffed Turkish flatbread ... this time it's filled with spinach and feta, but you could fill it with pretty much whatever you wish!


Polenta has a bit of a bad rap in some circles (My daughter still tells people about our early unsuccessful attempts...) This time the polenta sticks are made with chickpea flour - preferably the day before so they set really firmly in the fridge overnight. Then you toast them in some oil and serve with slow cooked tomato and courgette stew. Simple and delicious!

It was the pearl couscous salad that won me over for this, although za'atar spiced chicken legs are also a winner! There are loads of fresh herbs in the salad and again you can easily make this gluten free by using buckwheat or quinoa instead of the pearl couscous...


Courgettes! So many courgettes... and sometimes - quite often - they get away on us in the garden... this recipe uses large-ish hollowed out courgettes (not marrows, not yet!) stuffing them with spiced lamb topped with the roasted innards of the courgettes, tahini and lemon... tastes better than it sounds...


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