This is a tuber from Latin America, and it seems to like it at our place so we have quite a bit of it growing. We dug up a bucketful the other day and I was of course challenged to cook with it!
It's a sweet crisp refreshing tuber - scrub it, peel it and eat it in slices on a hot day kind of thing to eat. But you harvest it in the middle of winter, where crisp cool and refreshing are less of a motivation... so this week in the recipes I've included a warm yacon salad. Cooking the yacon was really interesting - it roasts up sweet, tender, and still with a crunch in the texture. Or you could stir fry it - tried that also, same excellent result.
If you don't like or can't eat fruit but sometimes you'd like something a bit sweet, yacon could be just the thing! (My autocorrect keeps trying to substitute BACON for yacon with hilarious results)
As you can see the tubers look quite a lot like kumara, but the texture is very different. There's an article here with more info - https://thisnzlife.co.nz/1-vege-good-guts-garden/
The clump of tubers has a small cluster of little tubers at the top that look more like Jerusalem artichokes. Those are the ones you replant to start again. And you will want to - they're very tasty! (I've eaten most of the yacon out of the salad...)
Rose on
How can you differentiate between kumara and yacon when it is newly dug? Is there a smell etc that is a “give away”??
Donna on