stacked Mac, beef cheeks, jambalaya and a creamy red lentil dhal - easy comfort food for the second week of holidays

There are no secret veg in this stacked Mac Cheese - they are all out in the open for everyone to see: cauliflower, broccoli, corn, red onion, spring onions. If you need a gluten free version, we can help with that - with gluten free pasta, and alternatives for making the sauce... no cheese? non Dairy milk? This will still be delicious ...
You can see we've gone all out for comfort food this week... red lentil dhal is one of the most comforting foods there is! This one has added creaminess from coconut milk... warm spices, it's all good.
Jambalaya! yum. We've done a sneaky thing and included jambalaya twice - once as a vegetarian/vegan option, and once as a meat option. This is because it's so good, didn't want anyone to miss out! Loaded with vegetables, pulses, and flavour... The meat version has chorizo...
Just every now and then you find Beef cheeks in the butchery - if you do, take some and put them in your freezer for later, if you don't have space for them in your fridge. They are meltingly tender, and kind of a handy size! This time we've cooked them in a Beef Cheeks bourgignon - mushrooms, red wine, bayleaf... slow food at its very best. Round it out with wide pasta, polenta, mash, roasties, and leafy greens of course...