This week's recipes feature nuts and seeds...for the third week of August

This delightful soup is curried kumara and coconut, with a line of turmeric-toasted pumpkin seeds across the top. These are not just for decoration - they add crunch and loads of flavour to what is a very gentle and creamy soup. No gluten, no dairy (unless you put some on top as I did), just loads of delicious.
This is a non-meat meatloaf, hence the name EATloaf. I was really impressed with the great flavour and texture - hope you will be too! Sadly not one for vegans, as it has too many non-swappable bits. ( 2 kinds of cheese and eggs...)
It has mushrooms, walnuts and cashew nuts, loads of fresh herbs to give a depth of flavour... is a good time! (or thyme...)
Layered potato baked in the oven in its various permutations, is one of my favourite wintery foods. This version has chard added and is simply cooked slowly in the oven. Cheese on top optional, pumpkin seeds on top for crunch and extra nutritional hit, essential: Potato and chard gratin.
So I had some blue cheese, and I remembered an epic venison and blue cheese pie I once had (shout out to the now-gone Rutland Deli in Whanganui!). I wanted to make rissoles or meatballs, and so I got some venison mince and made these: Venison and Blue cheese meatballs. (Basically I am too lazy to make pie). Venison or beef mince will work, blue cheese is optional really, but adds a great hit of flavour! This one uses cauliflower instead of breadcrumbs cos we're all about the secret vegetables...
My absolute favourite way to cook salmon is to poach it in miso... but there is NO MISO in my supermarket! This gingered salmon with stirfried kale is a close second... you'll see why! The stirfry has broccoli, kale and leeks in a Tamari/rice wine/orange juice sauce; the salmon is coated with ginger, garlic and chilli then grilled... plate with the salmon broken up over the stirfry and you're away laughing... (or sitting down and eating it. One of those two.)