Lots of tasty things for the week starting 19th October
This week the recipes come from all over the place - there are a couple from the Middle East (loosely), some from Italy, Latin America, and Asia... Three recipes are vegan and one vegetarian, five are dairy free and all six are gluten free. Share and enjoy!
School holidays are done... recipes for the week starting 12th October
recipes for the week starting 5th October
Waste minimisation is a thing we do
Recipes for the week starting 21st September
14th September - is it spring? Is it winter? The recipes are guaranteed tasty however
Recipes for the week starting 7th September
Celeriac pasta, fancy beans on toast and other tasty things for the first week of September
Recipes for the week starting 24th August
Warmer weather, tasty food... recipes for the 17th of August