A bunch of Mediterranean-ish dishes for the 3rd week of November

A bunch of Mediterranean-ish dishes for the 3rd week of November

By Rose Newburn

This week's recipes kind of circle around the Mediterranean: from Italy, South of France, Palestine and North Africa, and then there's the Teriyaki salmon...

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Two curries! + sticky short ribs and a salmon crustless quiche + other vegan delights for the third week of october

Two curries! + sticky short ribs and a salmon crustless quiche + other vegan delights for the third week of october

By Rose Newburn

This week's recipes are inspired by a] what I found at my butcher on Monday and b] reading middle eastern cookbooks again... and then just schmoozing through some recipe ideas generally... What joy it is to know that reading food counts as work!

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Smoky flavours for the end of September

Smoky flavours for the end of September

By Rose Newburn

This week's recipes include three vegan recipes that are also gluten free. There are a couple of meatarian recipes, both of which are dairy free and gluten free; and then there's silverbeet pie which is vegetarian, not vegan, GF or DF.

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